Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weekend at Weipa

It does feel like we have been here for ages. Friday was the least busy day I have had and I was not on call. Just the clinics at the hospital. I was on call on Saturday but finished ward round /hospital work by mid day and did not get called once overnight! Checked to make sure that I had not missed any calls... Went out to the local pub with my fellow GP, The DoN (our former neighbour) her family and some of the nursing staff at the hospital. Kids had a ball - I could have done with some alcohol. No drinking as I am technically on call all the time.

I did see one interesting case - a woman who came in with what appeared to be a cellulitis yesterday and came up in weird blisters today. You cannot order blood tests on the weekend or late Friday so i treated her with antibiotics initially. When the blisters started - some about 5cm in diameter I emailed a photo to Cairns Base Hospital. After some persuasive phone calls by my collegue a surgical registrar looked at it and it turned out to be toxic epidermal necrolysis. She has been shipped out to Cairns ICU. Yes, I will be looking this up in more detail too....!

The family gave me a Cook's tour of Weipa today as I have not really seen that much aside from the hospital and the clinics. Had a lovely time at the beach and the boat ramp. The bakery here makes great bread and the best finger buns that I have had anywhere.

The other doctor working here took us out fishing in the afternoon and we had a ball. We got advice from the nursing staff who have hourly tide charts in their lockers and know exactly when and where to fish.

Back to the grind tomorrow.

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